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Writers, Chapter Length Does Matter, Here’s Why…
The clock strikes 1 p.m. and you haven’t even made a dent in your to-do list. To make things worse, you feel so unaccomplished because you haven’t finished the latest chapter of your book.
Have you ever thought that you might be closer to completing your chapter than you think?
As you make strides to complete your amazing body of work, you realize how important the standard chapter length is to make even the smallest amount of progress at your book, which you probably already have a love/hate relationship with. Ready for a feasible solution?
Read on…
Why does the word count matter for a chapter?
Chapter length does matter big time. How long it should be? That’s up to you my friend. But before you decide the average number, think about the prime purpose behind dividing your book into chapters.
Look at your book as a Netflix series. Each episode or chapter consists of one or more scenes that contribute to the development of the story. Long chapters risk dropping the viewers out of the story forever. The length shouldn’t compromise the build-up of your story. It can make or break your entire book.
Let me put it this way…