Don’t Kill Yourself For A Job That Would Replace You Within 2 Weeks If You Dropped Dead
I had a coaching call yesterday and the person shared that they were sick as a dog last week, but their manager required them to come to work because they were short on staff.
That sh*t cray.
One thing we all know about jobs —
**tag a friend who needs to read this**
Those six syllables, those three words are the truth.
Most employers will ask you to go to the moon and back for them, and convince you to have ‘loyalty’ but guess what, if you were to ‘act out’ and get written up three times — you’re out the door.
These jobs ain’t loyal.
No matter what value you bring to the table, you’ll be dropped quicker than you can double-tap this post if you get too far out of line.
So, don’t kill yourself for a gig, because at the end of the day they don’t give a damn.
Your coworkers will be sad, and you’ll get a ‘memory email’ sent out, but the employer could care less.
Get a business coach.
Find a mentor.
Take action on that idea you have.
Focus on… You first.
Because the job will roll on without you.