America’s in a Death Match With Itself and Guess What? Russian Bots and Billionaires Are Laughing All the Way to the Bank
The House That Divided Itself
What if I told you America’s greatest enemy ain’t some foreign army, ain’t terrorists, and sure as hell ain’t your next-door neighbor with that annoying political sign in their yard —
It’s a con. A long game so smooth, so well-played, that we’re running the play on our damn selves.
Sounds like I’m being dramatic don’t it?
Look around.
We stuck in pointless online debates that won’t fill your fridge, pay your rent, or keep the lights on.
And the craziest part?
This ain’t bad luck. Ain’t some oopsie-daisy moment in history.
This? This was planned.
Not by chance.
Not by coincidence.
But by design.
Now let me tell you a story.
There is a house on a hill.
They call it Unity House.
It was built on grand promises — Liberty and Justice for all.
But promises are just words.
And if you look closer — past the fresh paint and the speeches — you’ll see cracks.
These cracks are unaddressed scars, buried in the soil before the first brick was ever laid.
But the house?
Some families were handed keys to the penthouse.
Forced into the basement because to be honest, the house was never built for them.
And for centuries, this house has been at war with itself.
But what if —
That war wasn’t just internal?
What if —
Someone outside was watching, waiting, widening those cracks on purpose?
A Playbook Laid It Out — And Nobody Paid Attention
In 1997, a Russian strategist named Aleksandr Dugin wrote a book called “Foundations of Geopolitics.”
It’s practically the playbook for Russia’s strategic moves.
Think of it as the blueprint for a global chess game, and spoiler alert: we’re all the pawns.
Yeah, it’s cute to think we’re just “polarized,” or whatever, but it’s all a Russian plan.
Google it. Or better yet, hit up YouTube and find a summary.
Actually let me summarize it for you.
The premise is this: Why fight America when you can strategically help turn on itself?
The strategy is simple — fuel racial, social, and economic tensions, flood the internet with disinformation, and sit back while the American citizens eat themselves alive.
And you guessed it — it’s working.
While politicians argue about culture wars, billionaires profits, social media bots stir the pot, and the real issues like wages, healthcare, and corporate greed get lost in the noise.
Oligarchs vs. Corporations: The Fight Over Who Gets to Exploit You First
America isn’t just divided by race, gender, or ideology.
It’s divided by power.
On one side, the oligarchs — politicians, billionaires, and power brokers who want to tear everything down so they can rule over the rubble. The ones who thrive in chaos, who benefit when everything feels like it’s falling apart.
On the other, the corporate capitalists — not interested in destruction, just in squeezing every last dime out of the system. If that means keeping wages low, stripping benefits, and hiking up gas prices while raking in record profits — so be it.
And in the middle?
The every day American. Forgotten. Struggling. Drowning.
While Washington fights over whether a CEO should make $7 million or $16 million, the average person can’t afford rent.
While politicians debate who deserves healthcare, medical bills send folks into bankruptcy every day.
While cable news obsesses over the culture war, no one’s talking about the jobs that were shipped overseas decades ago and never came back.
Divide, Distract, Destroy: The Puppet Master’s Favorite Tricks
Instead of fixing the economy, instead of fighting for livable wages, better healthcare, and job opportunities, they want us to keep having the same dumb fights, have the same outrage, and same “hot takes”:
- Immigrants are criminals who are coming to take jobs — deport them immediately.
- Black people are lazy and should move on from slavery, but they sure are great at sports and entertainment.
- White people are superior, America was built for them, and they should be able to say ‘nigga’ (with an A, of course). Also, Black history books make kids uncomfortable and should be removed.
- Gay people should stay in their own spaces, pronouns are unnecessary, and trans people are ruining sports and making bathrooms complicated.
And while all this is happening — while everybody’s arguing, fighting, and tearing each other down — guess what’s NOT getting fixed?
- Gas and groceries are still out here auditioning for the Rich People Only Club — prices high for no damn reason.
- Healthcare is basically a luxury item at this point, and Big Pharma got folks out here paying mortgage prices just to stay alive.
- Minimum wage been stuck in the past like a flip phone, but rent, bills, and CEOs’ bank accounts keep leveling up. Meanwhile, jobs still out here paying struggle wages.
But nobody’s talking about that because we’re too busy fighting over bullshit.
The Lies That Keep the House Cracking
The man outside — the one who clocked our weakness, lit the match, and left us arguing over who started the fire?
Oh, he’s grinning. Ear to ear. Like a villain in a movie who already won in the first five minutes.
But don’t get it twisted — he ain’t working alone.
He got an army.
And they don’t need boots or bombs.
They don’t even have to step foot inside.
Because why do all that when they can just flood the comment sections?
Like termites in a house with bad foundation, they burrow deep — whispering, screaming, stirring.
Their weapons? Fake accounts with names like JimFromIowa47 and PatriotMomUSA, making it sound like they’re a political expert.
And their mission? Get them fools arguing amongst themselves.
- They take a post about wages and turn it into a race war.
- They hijack a conversation about healthcare and make it about the border.
- They twist every discussion about progress into a screaming match about who’s taking what from whom.
And while the people inside the house are too busy shouting, tweeting, canceling, blocking, unfriending, and fighting each other like crabs in a barrel —
The Russians? Taking shots.
The bot farms? Botting.
The algorithms? Serving up more, more, and MORE.
And the house?
It leans.
A little further.
A little more unstable.
A little closer to the moment when —
It. Finally. Falls.
Is It Too Late to Fix It? Maybe. Maybe Not.
A house divided doesn’t need Miley Cyrus’ wrecking ball.
It crumbles on its own.
Unless —
Someone sees the trick for what it is.
Stops listening to the whispers.
Stops letting fear do the Puppet Master’s work.
Because Unity House can still stand.
But it’s cracking under the weight of its own isms:
- Racism
- Sexism
- Classism
- Nationalism
- Heterosexism
- Capitalism
America has a choice — start the repair process.
Or sit back and watch it all come tumbling down.
The clock is ticking.
And if America falls, it won’t be because of bombs or battles — it’ll be because we played ourselves from the inside out.
And somewhere, far, far away —
The masterminds behind the curtain will be sipping their vodka, watching the fire, and giggling.
Because we spent so much time fighting each other, we never paid attention to the two hands holding the lighter.
And ours.