6 Things You Don’t See That Prove You Should Never Compare Yourself to Anyone Else, Ever.

Anthony ‘AJ’ Joiner
2 min readApr 29, 2021

Stop comparing yourself to what you see shared online.

Social media isn’t built for the full story.

What you see online is 100% edited.

It’s designed for quick communication.

Sound bites.

Limited character counts.

Here are 6 things we never see that prove comparing your reality to someone else’s veneer is a complete and utter waste of your time, energy, and effort.

  1. We see the perfect Instagram picture with filters applied but forget about the other forty-one disregarded shots with awkward faces and closed eyes that have to be deleted from the camera roll.
  2. We see the shiny new truck, not the line of credit, the $576/month dollar lease note, and $279/month full cover insurance. We don’t know the headaches they have from dealing with the nerve-racking clients they have to tolerate to support their personal brand.
  3. We see the picture-perfect enviable couple on social media, but in reality, they coexist, barely speak, haven’t kissed in months, sleep in different bedrooms, and are only together for the kids.
  4. We see the promotion for the best-selling books, not the sixteen…

